Do we here in Memphis, saddled with all those icons of the gloried past (Elvis, B.B., Otis, etc., etc., etc.) and doing the best we can just now with quasi-native Justin Timberlake, have room in our pantheon for one more proverbial presence?
This one is Chris Parnell, late of SNL, who cant get no respect and is becoming something of a proverb for that shortcoming.
Ex-Memphian Parnell, who was bounced from the cast of SNL last fall, gets dissed in the current Entertainment Weekly., which tells us in its Hit List column that NBC is eying Jimmy Fallon for Conan OBriens Late Night chair and then goes on to say: If Fallon does well as Conans chair, he may one day get his own, made out of Chris Parnell.