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The campaign of State Representative Carol Chumney (D-Midtown), a candidate for Shelby County Mayor, has issued a skeptical response to news of a recent voter poll taken on behalf of the campaign of a Democratic rival, Shelby County Public Defender A C Wharton

The campaign of State Representative Carol Chumney (D-Midtown), a candidate for Shelby County Mayor, has issued a general response to news of a recent voter poll taken on behalf of the campaign of a Democratic rival, Shelby County Public Defender A C Wharton.

That poll, overseen by veteran operative John Bakke, a Wharton consultant, showed the Public Defender with a huge lead among Democrats of 51 percent to 13 for Bartlett banker Harold Byrd and 11 percent for Chumney. It also showed Wharton beating State Representative Larry Scroggs (R-Germantown) by a 2-1 margin in the general election.

Chumney’s response:

‘The A.C. Wharton poll is merely an attempt to trick the voters into believing that a winner has been anointed although not a single vote has not been cast in this election.

“Our polling through Yacoubian Research shows very different results and that the voters are ready for true change.

“We are very comfortable with where we are in the campaign and will keep on track with our grassroots efforts. We think we have the right message and we will continue to address issues that are of concern o voters, not those who simply want to preserve the status quo.”