Next Thursday, November 15th, Church Health will host a Hanukkah cooking class as part of its Jewish Cooking series. Cutoff to sign up for the class is Monday, November 12th.
Church Health’s Jenny Koltnow took some time to answer questions about the class.
What will be the structure of the class?
The Jewish Cooking Series is set of five, mini cooking classes designed to introduce and expose participants to the history, traditions, and food associated with major Jewish holidays. Each 90-minute class consists of an introduction to the holiday, a discussion of the foods and reflection on their symbolism, and a hands-on cooking experience. Participants taste test and enjoy pre-prepared items while there, then take home the items they made to enjoy at home!
What will the students be making?
The November-15 class is focused on Hanukkah, so participants will make latkes and brisket. YUM.
Is there a trick to Jewish cooking?
It depends on who you ask! But honestly, the “trick” is “enjoy with friends.” I marvel at the community, connections, and hospitality so natural to our Jewish brothers and sisters. It seems, no matter the meal, food is always better enjoyed in the company of others.
Info on Church Health cooking classes