The election is almost a week old, so obviously it’s high time to chart out the next four years. The fate of Herman Morris and The Pyramid, those frisky Fords, Dr. Carol Johnson, taxes, consolidation, some key staff vacancies, and a gender gap are some of the issues facing Mayor Willie Herenton as he winds up his third term and looks forward to his fourth.
MLGW instead chose the time-tested option of appointing a committee Ñ packed with its own employees, no less Ñ to buy time until the storm is a distant memory. The committee has not yet met.
Herenton has the power to extend the expired contract of MLGW CEO Herman Morris. The terms of most board members have also expired, and Herenton must decide whether to reappoint them. In the days following the storm, the mayor seemed a bit distant from Morris, but the longer he holds on, the better his chances.
Current members of the council who, based on past behavior, also might harbor mayoral dreams include Myron Lowery, Jack Sammons, and Brent Taylor.
The mayor’s sons Rodney and Duke are successful businessmen. Neither has expressed an interest in politics yet, but it’s not as if genes don’t matter in Memphis where names like Ford, Hooks, and Bailey show up with regularity.
Others could be asked to leave. Chief administrative officer Keith McGee still has that nagging “interim” attached to his title and has had a hard time following veteran Rick Masson. The CAO is the mayor’s liaison with the council. Last week, the council rebuffed McGee on a big Motorola contract, a police firing range, a downtown tax proposal, and a collective bargaining measure.
At the Park Commission, Wayne Boyer seems to be popular with the mayor but he has health problems and his job has shrunk due to privatization. Playground and golf-course maintenance, anyone? Look for some action on the long-dormant fairgrounds and for the Skinner Center for the Disabled to move downtown.
There is a notable shortage of women in the top ranks of the Herenton administration. Gail Jones Carson is the mayor’s spokesman and Sara Hall heads the personnel department. That’s it. Herenton is too good a politician to leave it that way.
One giant consolidated school system headed by Johnson and four or five assistant superintendents? Maybe some day, but Johnson has more immediate concerns, and a decade of diplomacy and acrimony between city and county have produced nothing.
Herenton stayed in the background, in contrast to Shelby County mayor A C Wharton, who wrote a supportive letter that was passed out to the City Council. Council members noticed and voted accordingly.
The Pyramid could be starting its final season as home of the U of M Tigers. There will be council resistance to letting the Tigers out of their lease, assuming there is no alternative user. In the crunch, the question could be whether the mayor or council has the power to enforce the contract.