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City Launches Employee Suggestion Program

Got a suggestion to save the city money or increase revenue? If you happen to be a city of Memphis employee, you could win a cash prize for offering your advice to Mayor A C Wharton’s office.


The city launched its new Employee Suggestion program on Wednesday morning. The program allows city employees an opportunity to share their ideas on how city operations could run more smoothly, improve safety, or save taxpayer dollars. If a suggestion is implemented, the responsible employee could win cash awards ranging from $250 to $1,000.

City councilman Kemp Conrad sponsored a council resolution for the program, and it was approved by the full council earlier this year.

“The best ideas to improve city government live with the people closest to the work being done,” Conrad said. “I hope this plan inspires employees and provides them with meaningful rewards for making creative suggestions.”

The program only applies to full-time or temporary city employees. Elected officials, division directors, and deputy division directors are not eligible.