To promote cycling in Memphis, the Saris Cycling Group and the City of Memphis Engineering Division are holding a bike corral contest. A bike corral converts the space of one on-street parking stall to parking space for 10 bikes. Corrals typically feature interesting or non-conventional designs. The contest is open to the public, and anyone can submit a photo and brief description of where they think a bike corral would be most beneficial to cyclists.

Nominations will be placed on the city’s Bike/Ped Facebook page, and the winner will be decided by how many “likes” each photo received. The city will then provide and install a bike corral for the business or organization that demonstrates the greatest need, location, and public support for additional bike parking.
So far, there are only two submissions on the Bike/Ped Facebook Page: the lot in front of the “I Love Memphis” mural on Cooper Avenue (the future location of Memphis Made Brewing Co.), and the lot in front of the newly constructed Beale Street Landing. Submissions can be made until May 10th, and three finalists will be announced on May 11th. The final winner of the bike corral competition will be announced May 17th on National Bike to Work Day. To submit a photo or for more information, call Kyle Wagenschutz at (901) 576-6710.