After a long night of boozing it up on bourbon (and bologna!) the Cochon caravan traveled to Sweet Grass Next Door in Cooper Young for a mid-morning Bloody Mary Tailgate. There, some Cochon 5.55Kers took off running around the neighborhood while the rest of us gorged on bloody marys, oysters, and Benton’s bacon. While I don’t want to speculate on who got the better deal in this situation, I think it’s clear we — burp — got the better deal in this situation.

- Justin Fox Burks
- Oysters at Cochon’s Bloody Mary Tailgate at Sweet Grass.

- Justin Fox Burks
- Cochon’s Bloody Mary Tailgate at Sweet Grass.

- Justin Fox Burks
- Benton’s Bacon at Cochon’s Bloody Mary Tailgate.

- Hannah Sayle
- More oysters! This time barbecued and topped with fois gras.
But the feasting certainly didn’t end there. We returned to Sweet Grass about six hours later for a pop-up restaurant by Boston chefs Jamie Bissonnette and Will Gilsan, and Sweet Grass’ very own Ryan Trimm.
The result of this culinary meeting of the minds was a gastronomical tour de force: barbecued oysters topped with fois gras; a BBQ spaghetti inspired cavatelli pasta; a Thai pork slider with green curry, pork fat mayo and kimchi; grilled cheese with pork belly and summer veggies; a mortadella, mustard, and robiola sandwich, Vietnamese fried bones; cured loin with lentils and salsa verde; Mexican soda pulled pork; and a special Manhattan snocone with Luxardo cherries for dessert.
The dishes were served family style, a steady stream of tastings for the whole table, and paired with Anchor brews and Elk Cove wines, and a tasty gin fizz (with a hint of celery bitters to keep things interesting and not too sweet.)
It was a porky prelude to Sunday’s competition day, best enjoyed inside and away from Hurricane Isaac’s after-dinner downpour.

- Hannah Sayle
- Manhattan snocone with Luxardo cherries.

- Hannah Sayle
- Pulled pork.

- Hannah Sayle
- Cochon’s Heritage BBQ Pop-up Restaurant at Sweet Grass.

- Hannah Sayle
- Vietnamese fried bones at the Cochon Heritage BBQ Pop-Up Restaurant.