
Cohen at Media Conference: ‘We’re the Real Conservatives’

9th District congressman Steve Cohen is one of the participants at this weekend’s ongoing National Conference for Media Reform at the Convention Center. Sharing a panel on congressional attitudes vis-à-vis the media with New York congressman Maurice Hinchey Saturday morning, Cohen proclaimed …

9th District congressman Steve Cohen is one of the participants at this weekend’s ongoing National Conference for Media Reform at the Convention Center. Sharing a panel on congressional attitudes vis-à-vis the media with New York congressman Maurice Hinchey Saturday morning, Cohen proclaimed presumed “liberals” like himself and Hinchey to be the true conservatives, protectors of Constitutional values and free expression. Responding to a questioner, Cohen also affirmed that he would have voted against congressional authorization of action in Iraq, had he been in Congress in 2002.

For more of the conference goings-on, go here.

Randy Wade, a local representative of the congressman’s who was in attendance at the panel, was asked about congradictory statements appearing online concerning the extent of Cohen’s support of state Representative Beverly Marrero in the current Democratic primary to succeed him in state Senate District 30.

“The congressman has endorsed Marrerro, but he is taking no active role in the campaign. He is attending to his congresssional duties,” said Wade, artfuly splitting the hair. (Marrero is opposed in the primary by former city attorney Robert Spence.)

Among the household names who had appeared at the conference as of Saturday afternoon were Bill Moyers, Jesse Jackson, and newly elected Senator Bennie Sanders, along with numerous Web-based activists and celebrities.

Still scheduled to appear, on Saturday night and Sunday morning respectively, were Geena Davis, who plays an American president on TV, and film actress/activist Jane Fonda.