The Memphis market now joins the areas affected by Comcast’s data usage allowance plan, after the company announced a 300GB data per month limit on all XFINITY Internet plans and tiers. Other cities included in the plan are Huntsville and Mobile, Alabama; Augusta and Savannah, Georgia; central Kentucky; and Charleston, South Carolina.
The Bluff City is also among neighbors: customers in Knoxville and Jackson, Mississippi, have been limited since September.
Customers are offered a usage monitor on their accounts, while also receiving notifications from Comcast when data usage hits 80 percent, 90 percent, 100 percent, 110 percent, and 125 percent of the limit. An automated phone call will also be made to the customer when he or she reaches 300GB. After the data limit has been reached and usage continues, the customer will be charged $10 automatically for every 50GB used over the limit for that month.
Customers who are “casual or light internet users” on the Economy Plus plan can opt-in to the Flexible-Data Option, which is catered to “users who typically use 5GB of data or less per month,” according to the website detailing the option. If users stay below that threshold, the account will be credited five dollars per month. However, Flexible-Data customers who go over 5GB will be charged one dollar per GB used over the limit.
According to Comcast’s usage calculator on their website, one computer hooked up to the internet would have to stream 64 movies, 150 half-hour TV episodes, and 150 three-to-five minute video clips in one month to get to 250GB.