Politics Politics Feature

Coming When?

Some months ago, when relatively unknown 9th District congressional candidate Nikki Tinker first put her campaign Web site up, skeptics noted with some amusement that her section on issues was annotated simply: Under Construction. That was then, this is now, and Tinker has long since supplied an elaborate set of positions on that portion of her site. But guess who hasn’t, some two years after the beginning of his senatorial campaign. Hint: Some of the categories on this candidate’s site are “Campaign Photos,” “About Harold,” and “Harold and Me.” The link that says “Harold on the Issues,” however, leads only to a blank page with the two words, Coming Soon. Any advice you can share, Nikki?

Some months ago, when relatively unknown 9th District congressional candidate Nikki Tinker first put her campaign Web site up, skeptics noted with some amusement that her section on issues was annotated simply: Under Construction. That was then, this is now, and Tinker has long since supplied an elaborate set of positions on that portion of her site. But guess who hasn’t, some two years after the beginning of his senatorial campaign. Hint: Some of the categories on this candidate’s site are “Campaign Photos,” “About Harold,” and “Harold and Me.” The link that says “Harold on the Issues,” however, leads only to a blank page with the two words, Coming Soon. Any advice you can share, Nikki?