Art Exhibit M

Complementary Colors

An opening reception for In Love with Color, Friday evening from 5:30 to 7 p.m., marks the beginning of the 2010-2011 season at Levy Gallery at the Buckman Arts Center. Paintings by Jeanne Seagle and glasswork by Lisa Allen will be on display there until September 10th.


  • Lisa Allen
  • Fortuna

Sunset at Dacus Lake

  • Jeanne Seagle
  • Sunset at Dacus Lake

Seagle and Allen have never worked together. “In fact, I did not know her and did not know her work, until we delivered our pieces to the show,” says Seagle. But it turns out the two have very complementary styles. That is, according to Allen, “We share that desire to explode with color in our work.”