Intermission Impossible Theater

Conductor Clips: Scenes from the Memphis Symphony Orchestra’s Conducting Competition

It was like American Idol. But for conductors.

Ken Lam

  • Ken Lam

Last week some of the world’s top conducting talent met in the Cannon Center and went baton to baton in the first Memphis International Conducting Competition. First-place prize went to Ken Lam, a native of Hong Kong who serves as assistant conductor for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.

Roger Kalia, a native of New York and music director of the Columbus Symphony in Indiana took the second prize.

Roger Kalia

  • Roger Kalia

Aram Demijrian

  • Aram Demijrian

Aram Demijrian, a conducting student at the New England Conservatory, won third place.

The three winners split over $11,000 in prize money and in October the three will return to Memphis to conduct pieces by Dvorak, Hindemith and Ravel with the Memphis Symphony Orchestra.

UPDATE: I’ve temporarily made these videos private. The musician’s union only allows two minute clips, so I need to edit these down a bit. I don’t know why I thought the competition would be different. Duh. Sorry.