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According to local AP writer Woody Baird, there has been quite a bit of infighting within the ranks of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a “patriotic organizaTIon” dedicated to preeserving Confederate heritage. According to Baird, former SCV member Gilbert Jones, who blieves white supremacists should be banned from the SCV, fell victim to “The Memphis Resolution,” a rule which forbids members from publicly criticizing other members. Jones, a self-described conservative Republican, was quoted as saying, “This is the only group in the world [where] I would be labeled a liberal,” after he was pelted with paperwads and bags of peanuts while attempting to speak at an SCV meeting in Memphis. It should be noted that pelting liberals with peanuts and paperwads, standard weaponms of the perennially underquipped Confederate troops, might be considered a simple “reenactment.”