Orpheum Theatre Group
The sidewalk in front of The Orpheum features stars with names of prominent artists who have performed at the theater.
Bill Cosby’s star was removed from the sidewalk in front of The Orpheum Theatre Tuesday to make way for a new star, according a theater official.
Cosby now faces years in prison on several charges of sexual assault. One trial earlier this year ended in a deadlocked jury. That case is set to be re-tried next year.
Kristin Bennett, press relations manager for Orpheum Theatre Group, said the decision to remove the star was simply to make way for another.
“We had a star made to honor the 40th anniversary of our volunteer usher organization, Friends of the Orpheum, and wanted to put it in a prominent location in the sidewalk,” Bennett said in a statement. “In order to do that, we moved the Bill Cosby star. No decision has been made about what to do with Mr. Cosby’s star.”
[pullquote-1]After Cosby was originally charged in 2015, then-Orpheum Theater president Pat Halloran told WMC-TV that the comedian’s star was placed on the sidewalk based on his four performances at the theater. At that time, Halloran told the television news station that his group had not considered removing the star.
When asked if the allegations against Cosby spurred the move to remove the star now, Bennett said, “We have no comment on the allegations against Mr. Cosby. We simply decided this was the most prominent spot for the new star.”
Cosby’s star (left) has been replaced with a ‘Friends of the Orpheum’ star (right).
The star’s removal comes after the Orpheum Theatre Group named four new members to its board. In July, the group brought on:
• Dr. Noelle Chaddock, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Diversity and Inclusivity at Rhodes College
• Terri Lee Freeman, president of the National Civil Rights Museum
• Dr. Andrea Lewis Miller, president of Lemoyne-Owen College
• Brian Sullivan, principal and CEO of Sullivan Branding
• Robert Cox, shareholder at Glassman, Wyatt, Tuttle & Cox, P.C.