
Could your child be a talentless mess?

While browsing the CNN homepage, I saw this photo and link:

The article that followed is titled Want to keep your child drug-free? Here are five signs of possible trouble.

Thank God, our kids won’t turn out like Lindsay Lohan if we just keep them off drugs!

But seriously, these articles should stop mentioning the movies she’s been in because nobody saw them and the only way we’ve heard of this person is because she’s on sites like CNN because she does drugs.

CNN evidently saw Lohan’s time in jail as an opportunity to re-purpose some stock material to get parents worried about their kids.

But the resources they link to are hilarious. Check out this Drug Guide by Slang from

It includes the term “fags” for cigarettes, in case your child is on drugs and British, “booze” for… well, booze… in case your child talks like a 50 year old bartender, and “weed” for marijuana in case your kid is not particularly creative.

Also funny is the link to that goes to a blank page.

[Insert “someone somewhere is on some drugs!” joke here.]

(screenshot of the blank page = covering my ass in case they fix it)