
Councilman Proposes City Employee Pay Cut

Jim Strickland

  • Jim Strickland

Memphis City Councilman Jim Strickland wants to amend the budget to cut the pay of city employees to avoid a property tax increase to pay for schools.

Strickland made his proposal in a letter this week to Mayor A C Wharton and City Council Chairman Harold Collins. It can be discussed in the council’s executive session next Tuesday, June 22nd. But in order for it to come to a vote in the full council, someone who voted earlier this month to approve the budget would have to offer a motion to reconsider the vote.

Strickland said the Tennessee Supreme Court is unlikely to overrule a $57 million judgment against the City of Memphis for school funding.

“If the council doesn’t do anything and the court doesn’t hear the appeal, it means the judgment must be paid. The temptation will be to raise taxes,” he said.