Opinion The BruceV Blog

Covering the Big Wind in Tampa

As has been the Flyer‘s custom every four years since 1992, we will be covering the national political party conventions — the GOP in Tampa and the Dems in Charlotte.

Senior Editor Jackson Baker and reporter Chris Davis will head to Tampa next week. They will hopefully avoid getting blown away by Hurricane Isaac, and offer daily reportage on and in the paper the following week.

As the photo below (taken in 2004 at the GOP convention in New York) makes clear, Baker and Davis are pros at this sort of thing. Rest assured your convention coverage will be in good hands.


As has been the Flyer‘s custom every four years since 1992, we will be covering the national political party conventions — the GOP in Tampa and the Dems in Charlotte.

Senior Editor Jackson Baker and reporter Chris Davis will head to Tampa next week. They will hopefully avoid getting blown away by Hurricane Isaac, and offer daily reportage on and in the paper the following week.

As the photo below (taken in 2004 at the GOP convention in New York) makes clear, Baker and Davis are pros at this sort of thing. Rest assured your convention coverage will be in good hands.