Michael Donahue
Cozy Corner family member Sean Robinson at the legendary Memphis restaurant, which will begin its Sunday hours on April 7th.
For the first time in its more than four-decade-history, Cozy Corner Restaurant will begin opening on Sundays. The barbecue restaurant at 735 North Parkway will be open between 11 and 4 p.m. on Sundays beginning April 7th.
”When my dad first started he serviced the Memphis Queen Line on Sundays, but we’ve never been open on Sundays,” says Val Bradley, daughter of Cozy Corner founder, the late Raymond Robinson.
Her son, general manager Bobby Bradley says they decided to open on Sundays “just to try to give us another opportunity to serve the customers a little barbecue. Some people want to come out and have food after church.”
Bradley and his family have a tradition of eating together on Sundays, but that will “definitely change,” he says.
That doesn’t mean the family can’t continue eating together on Sundays. “Honestly, we could move it to after 4 instead of directly after 5. There’s a way of having family time and make allowances for things we need to do.”