Memphis Gaydar News

Creativity Meets Equality

Speaking out for equality doesn’t just mean holding a sign on a street corner. The Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) and the God Lens are co-sponsoring a “Creativity, Equality, and Empowerment” conference to inspire and equip people to speak out for equality in the political, religious, and social arena.

Kim-Char Meredith

  • Kim-Char Meredith

Held at Prescott Memorial Baptist Church on Friday and Saturday, March 26th and 27th, the conference will feature visual art, live music, and activism workshops.

On Friday, three artists will show examples of how the creative voice can be used to speak out for equality. Richard Lou will display visual art. Songwriter Kim-Char Meredith will perform, and Elaine Blanchard will present For Goodness Sake, a one-woman play about racial, sexual, and religious oppression. The event will also feature a silent auction benefiting the Tennessee Equality Project. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

On Saturday, training (held from 9 a.m. to noon) includes a storytelling workshop led by Blanchard, a songwriting for equality class by Meredith, an art for collective action workshop led by Lou, and “Advocating for Equality: The Art of the Possible” led by TEP’s Jonathan Cole and Latoya Belgrave.

Tickets for Friday (includes dinner) are $25, and tickets for Saturday’s workshops are $10. They’re available at Prescott Church (327-8479) and Burke’s Book Store (278-7484).