We’re considering creating a tag for this blog that reads: “miscellaneous things that make us want to cry.” You know, so you guys could search for that tag on our site and immediately find this post, in which we tell you that fashion designer Cynthia Rowley has designed a line of Band-Aids. And this isn’t even her first time doing so.
We’re all for dressing your sad, skinned, post-weekend-bender knees, and we love the idea of adding a bit of panache to our everyday lives. We just aren’t sure anyone is fooled by a fancy sequined patch over your oozing neck wound or by that gold chain where you cut your upper calf shaving. (Unless you guys wear jewelry on your calves now, and it’s the hot new thing, and you just haven’t been telling us?)
Okay, fine. We admit that they are kind of pretty:

But can we just have our first-aid kits be the last hold-out against trendy taste-makers? Must our cuts and scrapes be dressed to the nines now too?