The 1940s swing-dancing craze has been out since the turn of the millennium, and the 1970s-style disco fever has (finally!) gone the way of the dinosaur. This means that there are a lot of disillusioned youngsters out there looking to emulate the retro styles of an as-of-yet unexploited bygone era. Perhaps the U of M’s continuing education program can help them. According to the catalog entry for a class titled “Elizabethan Dance,” you too can “discover the energetic, mesmerizing, and just plain fun dances that good Queen Bess enjoyed over 400 years ago.” For the kids who want to shake their thang to a more contemporary beat, there’s also a class titled “1860s Dance: Southern-Style.” “Put that mint julep down,” the catalog commends. “Learn the ball favorites danced during the Civil War era.” No experience necessary.