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D.C. Journalism’s Latest Scoop: Steve Cohen Drives a Car!

And wears a hat, too, as Roll Call, a Capitol Hill insider publication, discloses in a stop-the-presses full-page feature on the Memphis congressman.

This is not a lift from Onion nor a loaner from our own “Fly on the Wall.” Roll Call, a leading Washington, D.C. publication for Capitol Hill insiders, devoted an entire page this week to two pictures of 9th District Congressman Steve Cohen driving a car.

We know the congressman, who has a weakness for indiscreet tweets, is gossip fodder, but — really?

One photograph dates from last week, another from 2012. In both shots, each by a different photographer, Cohen is at the wheel of a 1986 Cadillac and wearing a jaunty fedora.

The page that displays these photos is slugged “Hustle and Flow” — a nice homage to Memphis movie-maker Craig Brewer and his 2005 epic on Whupping That Trick in the Bluff City.

Seriously, folks, we haven’t puzzled out the reason for this picture page — other than the fact that Cohen looks good in both shots. The congressman’s own conjecture as to the reasons for this stop-the-presses feature: “Not everybody drives a 1986 Cadillac!” (And certainly not one with a 1994 Cohen-for-Governor bumper sticker.)

Nah. We think it’s the hat.

Judge for yourself: