News The Fly-By


While we here at Fly on the Wall have tried to keep the level of discourse polite and high minded, it would appear that our ongoing tiff with the glossy semiliterate society magazine Elite Memphis has turned ugly, and in a very literal sense. Okay, so maybe we once referred to their alleged editorial content as “peroxide prose.” So what? But now those overgrown cheerleaders from hell have gone just a few steps over the line. In this month’s editor’s note, they have, like the Heathers they are, mocked your humble commentator because of hiS appropriately humble features: his plain face, lackluster hair, dumpy physique, and droopy — well, you know. They have done so by singling out the fact that the great and powerful but cosmetically challenged Fly was not nominated as one of Elite Memphis‘ 30 most beautiful people. So please, gentle readers, forgive the messy tear stains on the newsprint. I just can’t keep it in any longer. Boo-hoo-hoo.