Memphis Gaydar News

Demanding Rights, Discussing Diversity

It’s a big gay weekend in the Bluff City.

On Saturday, April 21st, equal rights advocates will take to the streets of Millington for an LGBT rights march. The march is one of 30 or so marches across the country scheduled for Saturday as part of the “Let’s Reach One Million People” campaign. Marchers will meet at the VFW Post 7175 on Cuba-Millington Road at 10:30 a.m. The march kicks off at noon, and they’ll circle back to the VFW for a post-march party with a DJ, volleyball games, grilled food, face painting, and a bounce house for kids. To find out more, check out this story from this week’s Memphis Flyer.


On Sunday, April 22nd, the Tennessee Equality Project is hosting a Diversity Forum at Caritas Village (2509 Harvard) from 1 to 3:30 p.m. The forum will feature a panel of multicultural representatives discussing inclusiveness and diversity or the lack thereof in Memphis’ LGBT community. For more on that event, check out the event’s Facebook page.