Politics Politics Feature

Democratic Rivals to Be Much in Evidence in Tennessee

Tennessee is now being regarded as a key battleground state in the hotly contested contest for the Democratic presidential nomination. Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama will all likely be much in evidence before the state’s Democratic primary vote takes on February 5th.

Tennessee is now being regarded as a key battleground state in the hotly contested contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.

That contention was made most recently by Chuck Todd, former publisher/editor of The Hotline, a leading Web-based political newsletter, and now political director for NBC news,

As Todd noted in remarks aired on Saturday morning, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama will all likely be much in evidence before the state’s Democratic primary vote takes on February 5th


Clinton is the early bird. Even as South Carolina counts in primary ballots on Saturday night, the New York senator will be in Nashville for a “town hall” appearance at Tennessee State University, an historically black institutions. She’ll follow that up with an appearance at Monumental Baptist Church in Memphis on Sunday morning.

Edwards, too, will shortly be campaigning in the state – with two Monday appearances, one in Chattanooga at IBEW union headquarters, another in
Nashville at USW union headquarters.

Obama’s itinerary, as of Saturday morning, had not yet been released, but, he, too, is expected to make appearances in the state before February 5th.

–Jackson Baker