Politics Politics Feature

Does Huckabee’s Son Pose a Threat to His Political Ambitions?

Radar Online has an interesting item about Arkansas presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. More specifically, it’s about Huckabee’s son.

To wit …

Radar Online has an interesting item about Arkansas presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. More specifically, it’s about Huckabee’s son.

To wit: “Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has parlayed three solid debate performances — defined by a series of canned-but-mildly amusing laugh-lines and some articulate riffs on his religious views — into new buzz about his prospects as a possible VP selection.

“But what about his Glock-packing campaign trail roadblock of a son, David?

“The li’l Huckster briefly caught the national spotlight in April by getting arrested for trying to carry a loaded handgun through airport security. His father called the situation just ‘one of those stupid things,’ but it wasn’t the first time the Baptist preacher’s son has been an enticing target for bad press.

“In 1998, a teenage Huckabee (he’s now 26) was fired from his job at a Boy Scout camp for his reported involvement in an incident where a stray dog was brutally killed. While an elected student leader in college, his questionable private business dealings with a student organization created a local controversy that resulted in Huckabee bitterly paying for business licenses with over 6,000 pennies.”

Radar online.