The original Donald Trump?
VIP parking? Grab-your-buddy photos with Katy Tur? An exclusive interview with Trump Jr? Dang, white separatist radio host James Edwards, your big-time media game is on fleek.
In a lively blog post Edwards, the pro-slavery host of the Political Cesspool, bragged a bit about time spent backstage at Donald Trump’s campaign stop in Memphis, and announced a 20-minute interview with Donald Trump Jr. airing March 5th.
James and Katy. Just a couple of colleagues hanging out, doin’ stuff.
Edwards usually doesn’t like being so close to members of the mainstream press who describe him as a hate-monger instead of a “pro-white” anti-gay skinhead who “stands for the Dispossessed Majority,” but seemed to enjoy the view anyway:
“Trump himself took over the mic just minutes before 6:00 PM Central Time and gave his patented stump speech. The crowd roared when he asked them who was going to pay for the wall and nearly made the ground shake when he told them the wall was going to get ten feet taller if Mexican officials continue to use foul language.”
Of course Donald Trump wasn’t the only yuuuuuuge celebrity in the house. Edwards graciously “autographed” a campaign sign for an unidentified Southern Baptist woman who shared his worldview, then “encouraged her to pray that Trump becomes our next Charlemagne.”
Donald Trump Jr. Grants 20-Minute Radio Interview to Memphis’ White Nationalist Radio Host James Edwards