- JB
- Mike McWherter
Democrats, many of whom have been unsettled by the relative invisibility so far of their gubernatorial nominee—to-be, Jackson businessman Mike McWherter, got assurances this week from the candidate that all of that will be changed with the ending of the primary season.
In an emailed statement asking party members for what amounts to a pro forma vote (McWherter was unopposed In the Democratic primary), he said: “In the days running up to and following the primary, I will be traveling across this great state to speak to supporters and let voters know I am dedicated to creating jobs for Tennesseans.”
Promising to “be stumping from the Mississippi River to the Smoky Mountains,” McWherter released a schedule of consecutive events beginning with his election-eve appearance Wednesday night at climactic Democratic rally at the Hunt Phelan restaurant for Shelby County candidates in the August 5 election.
McWherter’s posted itinerary has him continuing with events in Nashville on Thursday night, Chattanooga on Friday morning, and Piney Flats, a Northeast Tennessee community, on Friday night.
McWherter has also begun circulating a television ad that avoids ideological commentary and presents him as someone “more interested in fixing things than playing politics.” In his relatively few public appearances and published statements to date, McWherter has emphasized the theme of tax incentives for Tennessee-based companies.