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Ernest Lunati’s Greatest Hits , #1: On the Trail of the ‘Elusive White Man’; PLUS: Update, Greatest Hits, #10: ‘Snitching for Safety’

County mayoral candidate livens up an otherwise routine forum with some surprise solutions for Shelby County — e.g., drug tests for his fellow candidates and the secret behind the county’s drug trade.

UPDATE: Lunati explains how to curb the increase in hair-pulling crimes.

During a forum for county mayoral candidates Wednesday night at the Institute for Success Center on Shelby Drive, few new points were made by the participants, with one exception. Candidate Ernest Lunati, who has had severral brushes with the law himself, lincluding a felony conviction on pornography charges, aid out several unique strategies for coping with the crises facing Shelby County.

Here, in the presence of Democratic candidates Joe Ford and Otis Jackson and his Republican opponent, Mark Luttrell, Lunati dicslosed the secret behind the county’s drug trade and how he proposes to deal with it.

UPDATE — ‘Snitching for Safety: An Answer to the Hair-Pulling Epidemic’