That s the conventional wisdom surrounding a certain September morning in the year 2001. The question is, How did things change? A recent story from Lake City, Arkansas, suggests that we re just as tacky as we ve ever been. According to The Jonesboro Sun, Corporal Darrell McClung of the Arkansas State Police, who raises greyhounds on the side, has taken a chance happening and turned it into a memorial of sorts to a national tragedy. On 9-11-03, a 6-year-old greyhound from McClung s stable gave birth to a litter of 11 puppies. Amazed by the coincidence, the police officer/dog-man decided to name each of the 11 dogs after people and places directly connected to the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States. Some of the names include Twin Towers, Ground Zero, NYPD Heroes, and Rudolph Giuliani. Of course these will be their racing names, McClung was quoted as saying, suggesting that he ll give them nicknames once he gets to know their personalities better.