Politics Politics Beat Blog

Everything There Is to Know About Bill Haslam’s Attitude Toward Health Care?

Well, not really. But close…. Anyhow, we were there at Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women last Friday when Knoxville mayor Bill Haslam, a Republican candidate for governor, met with BMHW physicians for some extended give-and-take…

Well, not really. And health-care policy isn’t quite the issue for state-government candidates right now that it is for federal ones. But it’s still an issue. So we were there at Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women last Friday when Knoxville mayor Bill Haslam, a Republican candidate for governor, met with BMHW physicians for a self-introduction, followed by some extended give-and-take on the matter of health care.

This is C-SPANish material. So only the seriously wonkish among us need apply:

Haslam at BMHW: Part One:

Haslam at BMHW: Part Two:

Haslam at BMHW: Part Three: