Fly On The Wall Blog Opinion

Existential Dilemma and You

Bandz a make Miley Cyrus twerk. But then again, what doesn’t?

I want to go home... to the PYRAMID!

  • I want to go home… to the PYRAMID!

Ever had one of those days where you just ponder on the “Why” of things? I do. I do often. Why did my AC go out during the hottest week (so far) in Memphis? Why is there 10 months between seasons of Game of Thrones? Why is Tanning Mom a celebrity? Why did Kimye name their kid after a defunct airline? Why is the Pyramid cursed? Why is the fiber network in Memphis not being used? Why did Miley Cyrus decide that twerkin was the right path for her? Why is he asking all of these why questions?

It’s because I want you to think and open your mind. Why, you may ask…