
Fact & Fiction

Real people don’t have names like Ace Atkins. Real people haven’t
lived this life. Atkins is the hunk writer with his own Web site
(, the one in the T-shirt and denim and looking for all the
world like he just jumped off a steer and sat on a craggy rock in the middle
of nowhere.

Atkins will be coming to Memphis this weekend to help kick off the
Southeast Booksellers Association trade show. He’ll be signing his novels and
participating in a panel (along with Rene Nevils and Deborah Hardy, authors of
the bio Ignatius Rising: The Life of John Kennedy Toole, and Gerald
Duff, author of Memphis Ribs) on “Writer’s Cramp: The Ins
and Outs of Writing.” The panel discussion is on Thursday and the book
signing is on Friday. Both events will be held at the Deliberate Literate.

Atkins has written a series of mysteries that follows protagonist Nick
Travers. Travers is an ex-Saints football player turned blues historian who
ends up stumbling on and cracking some of the toughest cases in the history of
the blues.

Crossroad Blues, on the legend of Robert Johnson, and Leavin’
Trunk Blues
, which centers around the migration of African Americans north
to Chicago in the ’40s and ’50s, were both published by St. Martin’s Press.
They were received with enough acclaim to land Atkins a book deal with
HarperCollins for Dark End of the Street, the third in the series and
set entirely in Memphis, and a fourth book, still in the works.

The 30-ish Atkins was born in Alabama and played defensive end for the
1993 Auburn football team, which went undefeated and was featured on the cover
of Sports Illustrated. He then worked part-time for the St.
Petersburg Times
and part-time on his first novel. Tired of living
the proverbial writer’s life — “digging change out of my ashtray for the
99-cent Whopper special” — he took a full-time crime-reporting job at
the The Tampa Tribune.

It was while at the Tribune that Atkins was nominated for a
Pulitzer Prize for a seven-part series titled “Tampa Confidential,”
in which he reconstructed the 1956 murder of a local woman from the memories
of investigators and witnesses, depositions and trial records. “It is the
work I’m most proud of,” says Atkins.

Then came the book contract and a request from the publisher that he
devote his full attention to writing. “I quit the Tribune within
the hour,” he says.

(If you believe everything so far, listen to this: Atkins actually met
his current girlfriend, then a reporter for the rival St. Petersburg
, “over a dead body” at a crime scene. “We saw each
other again at a kidnapping and an abduction,” he says, “before I
got the nerve to ask her out.”)

Atkins says it’s just coincidence that his protagonist, Travers, is also
involved with a reporter. Is it also a coincidence that Travers is a blues
historian (Atkins is a blues buff) and former football player? He denies that
Nick (he refers to him by his first name) is any kind of alter ego or more
exciting version of himself. According to Atkins, “He is more like a big
brother to me.”

Atkins is now teaching an advanced reporting class at the University of
Mississippi and at work on the fourth novel in the series. “I’m thinking
seriously about going back to New Orleans for this one — back to Nick’s

You can visit Atkins’ Web site and learn more about his books, his pets,
his favorite beer, and the music he keeps in his Bronco. You can even send him
an e-mail, if only to ask him if he’s for real. n

Atkins discusses writer’s block Thurday and signs books Friday at the
Deliberate Literate. The Southeast Booksellers Association trade show runs
Thursday-Sunday at the Cook Convention Center. Among those authors joining
Atkins at the conference and for booksignings: Rick Bragg (signing Friday at
Burke’s Book Store); Ken Davis (Friday, Davis-Kidd); Lorraine Johnson-Coleman
(Saturday, Deliberate Literate); and Bobbie Ann Mason (Monday, Burke’s and
Tuesday, Square Books in Oxford).