Memphis Gaydar News

Family Action Council Warns of “Gay Rights Agenda”

Earlier this week, Jonathan Cole of the Tennessee Equality Project, a statewide gay rights organization, posted a notice of an upcoming anti-gay meeting of the Family Action Council (FAC) in Memphis.

Cole received an e-mail message from FAC president David Fowler regarding a July 10th lunch meeting for FAC followers at a Memphis restaurant. The meeting is intended to let FAC supporters know about the group’s activities in the Tennessee General Assembly, including “legislative victories, and challenges, that relate to our core values: the institution of marriage, family values, the sanctity of life, and religious liberty.”

Also in the e-mail was this tidbit from Fowler: “…everyone in Shelby County needs to know about looming local attempts to further the national gay rights agenda that could affect employees of Memphis City government as well as businesses, churches and other private employers.”

According to Cole, FAC will also be in town to promote “The Truth Project”, a program designed by the national anti-gay industry’s Focus on the Family to misrepresent American history and culture and establish special rights and privileges for the far-right.

Cole is hoping to organize a group of gay rights supporters to peacefully attend the July 10th meeting. Interested folks (or those interested in making a donation to help someone else go) should send an e-mail to