In the developing and closely watched race for District Attorney General, the state of candidate finances is destined to play a crucial role. The last quarterly financial disclosure, due January 31st, indicates that, of the four declared candidates, Republican incumbent Amy Weirich had a significant lead in money on hand, reporting a balance of $309,442.38
Of her three would-be challengers in the Democratic primary, Steve Mulroy led with a balance of $125,677.80. Janika White had $22,782.02, and Linda Harris reported a balance of $8,564.02.
Harris and Weirich both had active candidacies and reported balances as of the beginning of the quarter. White and Mulroy did not, and their fundraising totals for the quarter are identical to their reported balances. That fact gives Mulroy the lead overall in fundraising for the quarter.
Both Mulroy and Weirich have had significant fundraisers since the reporting period; so their actual balances on hand will doubtless be somewhat larger than their reported totals.