Music Music Blog

Flashback Friday: Lou Reed at Ellis Auditorium 1973

Next week marks over 40 years since Lou Reed played the Ellis Auditorium with Garland Jeffreys. Reed made more trips to the Bluff City after this concert, but seeing the late New York City icon in the early 70’s must have been an amazing experience. Check out some of Reed’s solo work from that time period below along with a classic Garland Jeffreys track, and If you have flyers, photos, or stories from legendary Memphis concerts for future “Flashback Fridays,” shoot me an email.

And while you’re feeling all nostalgic, check out this awesome essay by Ron Hall on the artists that came through Ellis Auditorium during this time.

Flashback Friday: Lou Reed at Ellis Auditorium 1973 (3)

Flashback Friday: Lou Reed at Ellis Auditorium 1973 (2)

Flashback Friday: Lou Reed at Ellis Auditorium 1973

Flashback Friday: Lou Reed at Ellis Auditorium 1973 (4)