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Flinn Resigns Council Seat

Shea Flinn has resigned from his post on the Memphis City Council for a job as the senior vice president for the Greater Memphis Chamber’s Chairman’s Circle.

Flinn tendered his resignation to council chair Myron Lowery Wednesday in a letter.

“While it has been an honor and privilege to serve on the city council, when opportunity knocks, you have to answer,” Flinn wrote. “Therefore, I am tendering my resignation immediately.”

Flinn’s interest in the chamber position has been known for some time and he decided not to run for re-election to his District 9 council seat. Flinn will start his new job at the Chamber on Monday, May 4.

“Shea has demonstrated his passion for making transformational change in Memphis and that is the core focus of our Chairman’s Circle,” Phil Trenary, president and CEO of the Greater Memphis Chamber, said in a statement. “Our team is eager to work with Shea and get him engaged with our Chairman’s Circle members.”

In that news release from the Chamber, Flinn said the defeat of the pre-k sales tax referendum in fall 2013 was a turning point for him, calling it a “wake up call.”

“The Chairman’s Circle continued to work on it and eventually found alternative resources,” Flinn said in a statement. “It made me realize they had the leadership and ability to prioritize an important initiative like this and make it happen.”

Candidates to fill his seat may be nominated by council members, the general public, or “interested parties,” according to a statement from Lowery’s office Wednesday. Candidates can pick up registration packets beginning Friday, May 1 but no later than May 14 at noon. Candidates will have to submit proof of residency, a sworn affidavit, and a nominating petition with a miming of 25 signatures of registered voters who reside in District 9.

The council will vote on the appointment of a new council member no later than May 19.

Flinn served as a member of the Memphis City Council since 2007 and serves as the general counsel for Flinn Broadcasting. Flinn graduated from Rhodes College with a degree in theater. He got a law degree from the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphrey’s School of Law. He is married with a son.