Great Location!
There’s nothing quite like that moment when you open up a little red Apartment Guide box to discover that, instead of being full of housing opportunities, it’s actually full of somebody’s pants. And somebody’s shirt. And the rest of somebody’s outfit. Is this where superheroes ditch their secret identities now that phone booths are scarce?
Animal Crackers?
Your Pesky Fly would be remiss should he fail to mention that an unidentified woman was permanently ejected from the Memphis Zoo this week for getting a little too close to the animals. On Monday, June 23rd, a woman wearing brown scrubs crossed a barrier in Cat Country in order to serenade the lions and feed them cookies. Nobody seems to have recorded what types of cookies she thought a 250-pound carnivore might enjoy. Lady Fingers, perhaps?
Cover Girl
With Judge Joe Brown being a clear exception to the rule, there has been a trend toward smiling in mug shots since Just Busted became a convenience-store staple. Even embattled Shelby County Commissioner Henri Brooks smiled for her close-up. Brooks, who was arrested for assault, is pictured next to Krystal “texting while driving” Sharp and Katerina “domestic violence” Walthall.