News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall 1380

Going Down

WMC’s excitable news reporter Jason Miles gets to the bottom of things. And sometimes he gets on top of things. Over the years, Fly on the Wall has shared images of Miles crawling under a car. And we’ve shared images of him crawling under a car recreated in icing on top of a birthday cake. When LEGO Jason Miles was introduced, we even shared a photo of him crawling under a car. Now, because we are completists, here’s a photo of Jason Miles crawling under a building.

It’s interesting to note how Miles’ legs appear to bend backwards, which is most likely an evolved trait allowing the reporter to scamper about while under things.


Last Wednesday, the website published a list of America’s hotspots for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) based on data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Memphis makes the top 30 but is outdone by West Memphis, Arkansas, which clocks in at number three, just behind Montgomery, Alabama and St. Louis, Missouri. Given that most STD hotspots are located inside the Bible Belt, some consideration should be given to changing their designation to “Abstinence Transmitted Diseases.”

Wiped Out

File under weird crime. Three Memphis men were arrested in Sikeston, Missouri last week after stealing a semi-trailer loaded with $70,000 worth of toilet paper. The trio is destined to be the butt of many jokes.