News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall 1443

Chicken Issue

In case the cover wasn’t a dead giveaway, this is the Memphis Flyer’s “Chicken Issue,” with a cover package devoted to all kinds of fowl play.

So it’s probably appropriate — or maybe wildly inappropriate — to draw readers’ attention to a drama that unfolded on Jackson last week that demonstrates just how much this tasty bird means to people.

Sixty-year-old David Haslett was standing in the street when police arrived. He was still brandishing his knife, and covered in goop where he’d been sprayed with a fire extinguisher.

Haslett had stabbed Ibrahima Sene, a convenience-store employee, in the leg for allegedly selling him “bad chicken.”

Haslett, who demanded his chicken money back, was arrested. Sene was taken to the hospital in non-critical condition.


“By not helping out Donald Trump he’s practically supporting Hillary Clinton.” — defeated, often-deplorable former Tennessee Senator turned Donald Trump surrogate Stacey Campfield on the Tennessee governor’s refusal to support the Republican presidential candidate, who is leading in Tennessee.

Haslam may be expressing symptoms of a political phenomenon called “term-limititis.” Or conscience. Hard to tell.

Neverending Elvis

It’s spook season and time to check in on which dead celebrities made the most money this year.

Elvis is still hanging in there earning $27 million before taxes in 2015 so far. He’s in fourth place just below golf guru Arnold Palmer and just ahead of Prince. Michael Jackson’s reigning king of the dead, raking in upwards of $82 million, according to Forbes.