News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall 1471

Reading the CA

It’s tempting to just caption this pic “[COMMENT TK],” and leave it at that. But Name of Column has always been one of Fly on the Wall’s favorite columnists. Besides, with The Commercial Appeal‘s parent company, Gannett, dismissing local talent left and right, delaying employee severance pay, and engaging in what some have described as “union busting” tactics, while changing a once acceptable daily into a paper wraith, it’s appropriate to flag this editorial effort as more evidence that all is well and everything’s going according to plan.

Memphis Is Ugly

This clip recently published in The Sacramento Bee announces another BS list for people to click on and get upset about. Memphis was ranked #9 on a list of America’s ugliest cities, as determined by the beautiful professional tourists of Travel & Leisure Magazine based on criteria — does anybody really care?


“You look like heroin might improve your life.” — overheard at the taping for season one of the You Look Like, an insult-based comedy game show created by Memphis comics Katrina Coleman and Tommy Oler. Craig Brewer’s BR2 Productions has teamed with the L.A.-based digital studio Gunpowder and Sky to develop the monthly P&H Cafe-based show/podcast into readymade content for streaming services.