News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall 1531

Neverending Elvis

Holy scrap!

For 36 years, a 1962 Lockheed JetStar 1329 aircraft has rusted in the New Mexico desert. Though worn by the elements, one peek inside at the velvet-and-wood interior is all it takes to know that, once upon a time, this was Elvis Presley’s ghostly flying machine.

And now, thanks to the online auction site Iron Planet, this can be your rusty scrap heap, if the price is right.


Your Pesky Fly on the Wall is always highlighting follies and mistakes in area media. It’s only fair to highlight this column’s own shortcomings. Last week, we were naughty and ran a blurb about WMC reporter Janice Broach teasing a story with a riding crop. We failed to include an image. As many readers have pointed out, “pictures or it didn’t happen.” We regret the omission.


“We haven’t reached an agreement with them on what the final agreement will be for antitrust purposes.” — Makan Delrahim, chief of the Justice Department’s antitrust division on the stalled Sinclair/Tribune Media merger. That deal could include Memphis’ WREG.