Uranus Breakdown
WMC has something to say about Uranus. Actually, they have quite a lot to say about Uranus.
In an episode of “Breakdown,” a weekly programming segment aimed at kids, meteorologist Sagay Galindo explained why conditions were perfect for looking at Uranus with or without magnification.
The online copy is written straight, but it’s a joy to read aloud: “On most nights Uranus is hard to see even with a telescope but for the rest of the month, you may be able to spot it without one or with binoculars, according to NASA. Uranus is going to be in a good place for viewing the next few days.”
As is the case with most of WMC’s “Breakdowns,” this was good, science-oriented content. But it’s a proven, scientific fact that Uranus will always be funny. Especially when it’s visible.
CA Watch
The Commercial Appeal’s been hiring new reporters, but is the paper still shrinking? On October 23rd, a memo was sent to CA employees offering retirement to Memphis-Newspaper-Guild-covered people in the newsroom who are 55 and have worked with the company 15 years or more.
“The Commercial Appeal is offering an Early Retirement Opportunity Program (“EROP”) to eligible Guild-represented employees in the newsroom,” the memo said. “Time is of the essence. We, therefore, ask that that you sign and return this document to me within 48 hours. The severance deal is based on 30-35 weeks’ pay with a transition bonus of up to $5,520 determined by years of service.”