Fly on the Wall says hats off to WATN reporter Mike Matthews, also known as The Watchdog! We appreciate his years of service to Memphis TV news, and admire his gruff, film-noir style and delivery. But last week, the Dog’s social media musings trotted in a weird direction.
“From a distance city hall looks babelicous,” Matthews tweeted, anthropomorphizing, feminizing, and sexualizing an admittedly nice-looking building, in under 50 characters. He went on to objectify Memphis City Hall, writing, “But you gotta remember the building is almost 51 years old … and as I can tell you, certain parts loosen up as you get older.”
“The dirty little secret is that [Digital First Media] learned — at least for now — that it can sell longtime readers an inferior (or, to use the technical term, crappier) newspaper and only 10 percent of reach each year will cancel.
Do the math, though, and it’s clear that much of America outside the biggest cities will become news deserts by the early 2020s, after [hedge fund Alden Global Capital founder Randall] Smith and his fellow hedge-funders have sucked out every last drop.” — Will Bunch, national opinion columnist for philly.com on Digital First Media’s move to acquire The Commercial Appeal’s parent company, Gannett Co.