Dammit, Flyer
Your Pesky Fly knows how much time he spends buzzing around his glass house. If I’m going to have a laugh at other people’s errors and typos, I’ve got to include the Flyer’s, too.
In last week’s otherwise up-to-date cover story about the state of print media in Memphis, The Best Times was identified as Active Times. In fairness, that was the periodical’s original name. It just hasn’t been named that since 1990, and we regret the time traveling.
On a different note, a recent politics column lurched in an unexpected direction when the subject of “safety-nut funding” was introduced. We also regret that error while simultaneously supporting any future efforts to make safety-nut funding an actual thing.
“I am deeply concerned about journalism in this era… It concerns me when being educated and well-read is called ‘being an elitist.’ I am disturbed when being dumb and not well-read is more desired.” — outspoken sports journalist Jemele Hill at the University of Memphis last week.
Pot Chronicles
According to various reports, Memphis police arrested a 20-year-old man who is accused of selling marijuana outside a Family Dollar on Mendenhall, where he was trying to get a job. Remember when initiative used to be rewarded?
Neverending Atticus
“You remember the Faulknerian prophecy — the Snopeses shall inherit the earth? They’ve already taken over Monroeville … they are trying to turn Harper Lee into a tourist attraction like Graceland or Elvis.” — from a 1993 letter written by To Kill a Mockingbird author Harper Lee, recently sold at auction.