News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

The Urban Mythos

This week, your household Fly would like to pay a bit of overdue respect to the anonymous blogger who operates for posting a YouTube video he/she took at the September 13th meeting of the Memphis and Shelby County Land Use Control Board. In the video, a woman identifying herself as “JonBenet Ramsey” and “the President,” stood up to oppose development plans for the Medical Center, and in the process, touched on issues far more distressing than any redesign of a neglected downtown neighborhood.

President Ramsey warned that not enough Americans carry guns, making us sitting ducks for Mexicans who’ve illegally crossed the border hunting “body parts” and “human bodies.” She sounded an alarm over the potentially devastating effect laser beams could have on our roadways and correctly noted that a bomb could easily accomplish the same level of destruction. She was about to discuss the church’s role in all of this when she was cut off and asked to step down. Admittedly, rumors about Mexicans needing American “human bodies” are greatly exaggerated, but it’s a sad, sad day when our Land Use Control Board won’t allow an open and honest public debate concerning the threat of laser beams.


Variety reports that Adventures in Hollyhood, the MTV reality/comedy show starring River City rappers Three 6 Mafia, will be produced by Ashton Kutcher’s Punk’d production company.

Will Memphis’ favorite pimps show up for the first day of shooting only to discover that everything has gone wrong? Will the situation spiral hilariously out of control until DJ Paul “loses it” on one of Kutcher’s hidden cameras? Stay tuned.