News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Scary Headlines

Shelvia Dancy of Eyewitness News reports that “Drivers Turn
to Internet, Twitter to Avoid Traffic Jams.” Her report about the
Tennessee Department of Transportation’s website and Twitter account
didn’t include information about where drivers could turn when they
Twitter right through a stop light or into the path of a speeding

Ho! Ho! Bang!

The holidays are here, that wonderful time of year when the media
goes out of its way to barrage shoppers with incredibly obvious crime
prevention tips. This week’s tip comes to us courtesy of The
Commercial Appeal
, which warns: “Don’t Make Vehicles into Display
Windows for Criminals, Shoppers.” On a related note, Fly on the Wall
would like to remind holiday shoppers not to wear see-through

Madaus Files

Fox 13’s Scott Madaus says the darndest things. This week he opened
his report on the perils of social networking with this hardboiled, if
not entirely accurate, observation: “In the world of online
socialization, some call it a dark world of insecurity.” He was
paraphrasing Ellen Watson, a source he identified as “a big dog in the
world of information technology at the University of Memphis.” Watson
actually says social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook are
risky because “there are too many opportunities out there for things to
go wrong.”

Crazy Good

Instead of disappearing after the special Memphis mayoral election,
@fakemongo, an often brilliant Prince Mongo impersonator, just kept on
Tweeting the funny. For those not in the loop, Fake Mongo (from the
present) is now in constant contact with Mayor Mongo (from the future),
and Mayor A C Wharton (from City Hall) may want to pay attention.

“Just appointed my new Time Travel Action Committee,” @fakemongo
writes. “Told them I need some fresh ideas on my desk by no later than
June 1973.”