News The Fly-By

Fly on the Wall

Naughty Naughty

This week we turn our attention to Mt. Juliet, the heavily conservative Nashville suburb where scandal is brewing. One city worker was fired and four others tendered their resignations after they were accused of using city-owned phones to send one another sexually explicit messages that revolted Mayor Ed Hagerty, who has since described the situation as being both “appalling” and “disgusting.” 

The response seems over the top since this did happen in Mt. Juliet, home of state senator Mae Beavers. Who among us hasn’t texted “Screw Mae Beavers” at one point or another?

We’re a Cliche

As if the Tennessee legislature didn’t do enough to convince the rest of the world that we’re all a bunch of barefoot hillbillies, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has released a survey showing that when it comes to poor dental hygiene, Tennessee is tops. Extrapolating from the CDC report, The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported that Tennesseans rank 47th in the nation for dental health. On the bright side, it probably means we rank #4 in the nation for both shotgun weddings and colorful yokels.

The Artist …

Robert Hodges should rechristen himself the Artist Formerly Known as Prince Mongo. Defending his outlandish yard decorations in a videotaped interview, Memphis’ favorite alien/export to Florida said he’d studied under Christo and influenced the famous environmental artist. 

“His theory is that art should not be on canvases where only a few can see them when they buy and hoard them in their homes,” he told a reporter for the Sinclair News blog. “When he draped the mountains, everybody thought he was crazy. Over there in Poland or wherever, $7 million went on the mountains in cloth. And then he turned it loose and let the wind take it to the sky. And the spirits took over. Millions of people know about it. The people saw it and live with it every day, a memory.”