“Everybody wants to know, ‘Well, why do you drink? Why do you do this?’ You know, I can’t say it’s because of him, but it’s because of him I have done these things.” — City Councilwoman Janis Fullilove in the midst of an apparent breakdown on her WDIA radio show. The “him” in question isn’t Mayor Wharton or Councilman Shea Flinn but her husband Vernon Chalmers, who, according to Fullilove, has threatened to kill her. Fullilove and Chalmers have a turbulent history that reached an apogee in 2012 when both were arrested during a spat that involved the throwing of dishes.
Mighty Big If
One occurrence is a typo; six is a pattern. An email from Shelby County Commissioner Terry Roland circulated among grammar nerds last week.
“Please be advised that it ‘appears’ the Shelby County Ethic’s Ordinance does not comply with State Law,” or so Roland “says.”
The easy joke would be to ask, “Who is this Ethic and why is his Ordinance so important?” But I’m more interested in the appearance of the much talked about but seldom seen “Mighty Big If.” See for yourself.
Rubber Hits Road
“A condom is not an explicit image. It’s just a piece of latex, and children see explicit images all the time on the Internet, in commercials, and in the movies,” Planned Parenthood Memphis CEO Ashley Coffield told WREG after allegedly shocked parents complained about a billboard advertising free condoms. Considering there’s “male sexual medicine” on display at an area convenience store, she’s got a point. And the high ground.