Late 2011, the Flyer sent out a call for artists and artistic types to submit ideas for transforming Flyer newspaper boxes into works of art for our first Flyer Art Box Contest. We got nearly 150 submissions, choosing 13. What we got back was a whirl of creativity — graffiti, pharaohs, old maps used for collage, a Day of the Dead Elvis, the pairing of pastries and animals … And so, we’re doing it again.
Here’s how it works: If you would like a Flyer box to transform into art (without disassembling, please), go to to submit your idea.
• Submissions will be accepted through Wednesday, August 7th.
• We will select a group of artists who will be notified on or around August 9th, and each will have one month to transform their box. A materials stipend will be provided for all selected artists courtesy of our sponsor, the Art Center Supply Store.
• Once all of the boxes are completed and returned, we’ll have a photo shoot of the artists with their work.
• Artists will be honored at the Flyer’s annual Best of Memphis party, and full artist profiles and box images will be featured in the October 3rd edition. Boxes will then be displayed as working public art throughout the city.
• Flyer readers will also vote on “Best in Show,” the winner of which will receive a $500 cash prize.